Does Jelqing Really Work

Does Jelqing Exercises Really Work?

Exercises are a natural method to increase the size of a penis. Does jelqing exercises really work? There is no evidence on whether they increase or do not increase the size of a penis. There are no studies on this effect. However, jelqing exercises are comparatively safe. This is in comparison to other penile enlargement methods.

There are many penile enlargement methods in existence. They include exercises, surgery, penis extenders, vacuum pumps, and several others. Among these, the safest methods for penile enlargement are exercises and penis extenders. Multiple studies are proving that penis extenders efficiently increase penis size. However, there aren’t any studies proving nor disapproving the effectiveness of exercises.

What are Jelqing Exercises?

These exercises involve a routine coordinated massage on the penis to stimulate the growth of the cells both in length and girth. Jelqings were in use since time immemorial.

They have a guarantee of safety provided one follows the laid down procedure for exercises. Doing the procedure aggressively or too often might cause irritation or pain. In case of pain or irritation, stop immediately and contact your doctor for further examination.

Since some penile extending methods involve low or no risk, they are worth trying. Jelqing exercises, for instance, have no risk to your health if done as recommended.

Penile extenders on the other end are also proven to be safe and effective in delivering desired results.

Jelqing Side Effects

When one does the exercises too aggressively, too often, or squeezes his penis too hard, there are side effects involved. Your dick might get bruised, scars, sore or pain on the shaft, irritation due to rubbing, and even erectile dysfunction.

These side effects can reduce by following the following directives;

  • Do the exercise while partly erect
  • Doing the procedure while fully erect is dangerous. The blood is then flowing and filled in the penile tissues which make the shaft susceptible to bruising and scarring.
  • Use a lubricant for the procedure
  • Doing the exercise without a lube increases friction between your hand and the penis. The penis has softer tissue and skin which will end up wearing out due to friction.

Precautionary Measures

Be careful not to hurt your ‘little man’ as you do the jelqing exercises. Follow these tips to stay safe;

  • If you experience any form of pain, stop the procedure immediately. If you experience any form of discomfort, stop the procedure, and seek medical advice from an experienced practitioner.
  • Do these exercises twice daily at the most so that you don’t injure yourself. Doing them more than twice daily could lead to side effects as shown earlier.
  • Sit comfortably or support yourself with a table while undergoing the procedure to allow for proper handling of the exercises.
  • If you want faster results, and consequently want to do the procedure for a longer period or more often, consult your doctor for advice and follow up.

Jelqing Exercises Results

Results from jelqing exercises could be different for everyone. The results are unique since everyone will have a different routine and handling of the procedure.

One who does the exercises more often and more accurately would have better results than one who doesn’t follow the routine consistently.

There is no documented evidence of how long it could take one to get results from jelqing exercises. However, your guess is as good as mine. Even the methods with a reputation such as SizeGenetics penile extender takes up to six months to deliver significant results.

My penis can only get so erect

If your penis gets too hard while doing the jelqings, try to relax before continuing further. Doing the exercises when you are fully erect could injure your dick. Full erection means blood is at max speed and the soft skin is stretching to the limit. Further friction would mean abrasion to the skin hence scars or even wounds.

Penis enlargement essential oil

There are no oils proven to increase the size of a penis. Unless the oil is in use for jelqing exercise procedures. These exercises involve friction which can be significantly in control by the use of a lube.

Small dick problems Reddit 

Small dick problems or just SDP is a forum on Reddit which discusses issues around having a small dick and the problems that come with it. However challenging it seems to have a small dick, I believe having a humongous one comes with a fair share of its challenges too. Many people also have a regular size but think that they have a small one. The average dick size in England is 6 inches. Many men will consider this a small size.

Olive oil on penis

Olive oil is one of the best lubes for jelqing exercises. Use olive oil or any other oils at your disposal to reduce friction between your hand and the penis. Using a lube reduces the chances of bruising your penis or any other harmful eventualities.

Coconut oil on penis

Coconut oil is also another preferable kind of lube. Coconut oil also has medicinal qualities on the skin which makes it a preferable lube. You can however use any preferable oils as lube for jelqing exercises as you deem fit.


Jelqing exercises can increase the size of your penis when done correctly. There is no evidence to support this claim but there neither evidence to prove the contrary. The procedure is safe when operating correctly and has been in use for a long time. Maybe someone will soon come up with evidence on whether penis exercises has or doesn’t have gains in penile enlargement.

Patience is a virtue for anyone who decides to try jelqing exercises for size gains. Just like in the proven methods like penile extenders, it takes up to six months to get notable results. Jelqing exercises will require even a longer period since it is cheaper and requires no devices.

If you decide to try the jelqing exercises, follow the precautions and directives to the letter and everything should work out fine. Good luck gentlemen! Happy Gaining!!!

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