For a long time, I have been a 6” inches guy. Pretty comfortable with my size, but definitely not the biggest dick out there.

My girlfriend was “ok” with my size, but I could tell she wanted more. She is addicted to Pornhub, and I always find it uncomfortable when she acknowledges how big “that pornstar’s dick is”.

Her desire for a bigger dick and my inner desire for a new sexual experience propelled me to try something that was on my bucket list: A bigger penis.

Like the regular middle-class guy, I went to the internet to see what options people recommend to pack a few extras below the belt.

I found that people have been using dozens of methods to get a bigger penis. See what I found:

  • Jelging
  • Male enlargement pills
  • Penis traction devices a.k.a. penis extenders
  • Penis surgery
  • Penis pumps

Penis surgery was already too scary, taking into account the number of horror stories and botched surgeries that I have seen on TV and read on the internet.

My best bet? Penis extenders and penis pumps. You can check my experience with the Bathmate penis pump here. For now, let’s talk about penis traction devices and why Sizegenetics is the undisputed king in the penis enlargement market.

What are Penis Traction Devices?

A penis traction device is natural penis enlargement method that works by elongating and stretching out the penis.

This methods works the same way as working out in the gym, where your body tissues tear and repair, causing muscles to grow bigger and stronger. The device stretches the penis tissues, causing micro tears that repair automatically, resulting in an increase in penis length and girth.

So, how does traction devices help me get a bigger dick? It is simple. You wear the device on your penis using these recommended procedures (add jump link). You should do this every day for 3 to 6 months, and you penis will gradually grow larger and thicker.

Does it hurt? Not necessarily. There is some little pain at the start of the exercise, and the pain goes away eventually as you get used to the device. By the second week of the training, you can wear the device inside your pants and go about your regular routines. The outcomes? 1 to 3 inches more in penis length!

How Does SizeGenetics Work?

SizeGenetics is a medical device that works by stretching the penis tissues, causing it to grow longer and thicker. Unlike penis surgery, SizeGenetics is non-intrusive, and you get a bigger penis without going under the knife.

SizeGenetics works through a process known as cytokinesis, where tissue cells divide and multiply, resulting in an increase in penile length and girth. To understand this process better, we can use the example of bodybuilders and how they get bigger muscles.

When a bodybuilder lifts weights, a constant tension is applied to the body muscles. The pressure causes the body tissues to expand and stretch, resulting in micro tears that are invisible from the outside. Then, the body immunity is immediately activated to start the healing process to repair the “damaged tissues”.

Therefore, the cells around the damaged tissues divide to create new cells, releasing a healing chemical to bring the required nutrients to help new cells grow and repair damaged tissues. When the bodybuilder continues lifting weights, the tearing and repair process continues, resulting in an extra layer of body mass, which translates to bigger muscles.

SizeGenetics works the same way. When worn, the device applies continuous tension on the penis tissues, resulting in micro-tears. The body releases chemical messengers to initiate the repair process, and the cells actively divide and repair, resulting in an increase in cell mass. As the routine continues, the simultaneous tearing and repair process results in an increase in penile length and girth.

Using SizeGenetics the RIGHT Way

When using SizeGenetics, there are a few things that you need to get right if you expect to see good results. I used this exact process to get an extra 2.2 inches in penis length:

Prepare your penis

Before putting on the SizeGenetics traction device, you should get your penis ready by doing some warm-up exercises. Start by doing some gentle jelqing exercises to get the penis ready for PE training. Make sure that the penis is in flaccid state before putting on the device.

Place your penis in the base ring

Once you are ready for the training, start by inserting your penis through the extender’s base ring. Then, use the plastic protection ring to secure the penis base, and insert the silicone ring on the penis head. At this point, the metal bars should be already attached to the device.

Adjust the elongation bars

With the device securely fastened at the base and head of the penis, you should now adjust the elongation bars to get the best possible tension. The elongation bars should run parallel to the penis shaft.

Attach comfort straps

Attach and fasten the comfort straps around the head of the penis. The comfort straps helps reduce the pressure exerted on the penis glands, which may make the training uncomfortable.

Relax and work your way up to a bigger, thicker penis

Once you finish adjusting the device to your preferred tension, you should now relax and use the device for at least 4 to 6 hours every day. After a day’s use, make sure to clean and disinfect the device thoroughly to maintain it in proper working condition.

Remember: You can adjust the device to stretch out the penis by applying gentle pressure. You can use the knobs to adjust the tension level according to your preference.

Important Considerations when using SizeGenetics

When using SizeGenetics, people get different results depending on how they set up the training program. Here are some important tips to note when using SizeGenetics:

  • I wore the device for at least 6 hours every day. From the results reported, men who used the device for 6 hours every day reported quicker results than men who wore the device for only 4 hours or less every day.
  • In the first week, I took frequent breaks in between the training sessions to allow the penis to relax, repair, and get ready for the next session.
  • Avoid putting too much tension to avoid self-inflicting injuries. I used medium tension most of the time since it was gentle on my penis.
  • Wear the device for at least 6 months continuously to get good results. You can start seeing results within the first month, but it is recommended to wear the device for 6 months to see better results.
  • With a month after starting the training program, I experienced harder and stronger erections that made sex more fun.
  • The comfort strap made it comfortable to wear the device. The penis is a sensitive body part, and it will take time for the body to adjust to the foreign device. The comfort strap are an important component to the device, and it makes it possible to stick to the program through to the final month.

SizeGenetics Results: What Results Should I Expect When Using SizeGenetics

Before I share the results I gained with SizeGenetics, I need to give a disclaimer.

Penis Extenders like SizeGenetics to do not deliver immediate results. Rather, they require patience and hardwork for at least 6 months, but the results you get are totally worth the wait.

I wore the device for 6 hours every day for 7 months to gain 2.2 inches in penis length, and 0.3 inches in penis girth.

At the start of the training, I wore the device for 3 to 5 hours as my body got used to the training. I also took a day off once a week (but not everytime) to give my penis some time to relax after a week of continuous training.

Apart from a larger penis, SizeGenetics also delivered the following results:

  • A straighter and better-looking penis. The penis corrected a small penis curvature, and thankfully, my girlfriend now enjoys harder and deeper thrusts.
  • My erections have become more frequent and harder.
  • A higher volume of sperms (I had not noticed until my girlfriend “complained” that I am depositing too much gold in her cookie; and her skin had become smoother and brighter).
  • My girlfriend recently “came” 4 times in one round, and she did not ask for more as she is used to.
  • On a downside, with harder erections, my penis becomes painful after several rounds.

SizeGenetics Before and After Photos

Here is a snapshot of the results I achieved after using SizeGenetics for 6 months:

You can also see other SizeGenetics Results Photos here. From the photo above, you can see my penis get longer when positioned against a tape measure. My penis grew from a meager 6” to 8.2”. It also grew thicker by 0.3”.

Remember, these results were obtained after 6 months of patience and dedication. If you are looking for overnight results, then you are better of going for penis surgery (if you have $10k+ and ready to take the risk).

Penis extenders are way cheaper (most cost under $300), and they deliver real and permanent results through a natural process known as cytokinesis.

Are SizeGenetics Results Permanent?

The results achieved using SizeGenetics penis extender are permanent, as long as you stick to the recommended training program to the end (at least 6 months). If you discontinue the device after that, the results attained will remain.

However, there needs to be some level of physical activities happening to the penis, long after completing the training.

Penis extenders work the same way as lifting weights at the gym; if you stop exercising and resort to eating junk foods, there is a chance that you will start gaining weight and the muscles will disappear. Therefore, there needs to be some form of physical activities to keep your muscles in their best form.

And what physical activities are best to keep the penis tissues active? You don’t have to lift weights to keep your penis in its best form. Simple exercises like jelqing and good sex can help you keep your penis longer and thicker, and even get an extra inch in the process.

It is important to note that certain conditions may result in penis shrinkage, which ultimately reverses the gains made using SizeGenetics. Some of these conditions may include Peyronies disease, prostrate surgery, aging and obesity.

Is SizeGenetics Safe?

SizeGenetics has built a reputation spanning almost two decades.

It has served over 50,000 customers in the past few years, and has a solid customer care team to address customer issues, and refine the SizeGenetics penis extender to be one of the finest and most effective penis traction devices.

SizeGenetics is FDA-approved, and it has passed safety tests conducted by FDA. In Europe, SizeGenetics has earned the European CE Health stamp, which indicates that the device has conformed to health and safety standards for products sold with the European Economic Area. It is also a certified medical type 1 device, which means it has been approved for physiotherapeutic application by health professionals.

Further, SizeGenetics Penis Extender is manufactured using medical-grade materials that are safe for the skin. It also includes safety features such as a comfort strap and protection paid to make it comfortable to wear the device, and go on with your usual routine.

SizeGenetics has also been subjected to clinical trials to test its effectiveness as a penis extender. For example, a study by the British Journal of Urology found that this device increased penile length by 32% after 6 months of continuous use.

Clinical Studies on the Effectiveness of SizeGenetics Penis Extender

Penis Extenders like SizeGenetics have been subjected to evidence-based clinical trials to test their effectiveness in penis enlargement and correcting penis curvature. Here are the results obtained from the two studies:

Study 1:  A study conducted by the British Journal of Urology in 2008 found that participants who wore a penis extender for 6 months increased their penile length by 32%, and their erectile function improved by 36%.

The researchers found out that penis extenders are an effective method of elongating the penis to make it longer and thicker. The researchers also found penis extenders to be minimally invasive compared to penis enlargement surgery.

Study 2

A study published in the Therapeutic Advances in Urology journal found that penis traction devices not only corrected penis curvature, but also increased the penile length of the men of participated in the study.